Particular Passions is a Lynn Gilbert venture. For more information about Lynn, please click here to visit

Particular Passions

Particular Passions: Talks with Women who Shaped our Times

AIPAD Show Frontispiece

Lynn GilbertComment

As part of the installation at AIPAD, we created printed material to accompany the portraits, providing context and depth. Here is the frontispiece to the materials, introducing the women and the show.

Women of Wisdom: Talks with Women who Shaped Our Times

Lynn GilbertComment

PARTICULAR PASSIONS recounts the rich oral histories of pioneering women of the twentieth century from the arts and sciences, athletics and law, mathematics and politics.

We share their journeys as they pursue successful paths with intelligence and determination, changing the world for the millions of women and men who were inspired by them.

These stories will captivate, educate, and inspire you. Please purchase these stories at Apple or Amazon.

Billie Jean King -- On Change

Billie Jean KingLynn GilbertComment

"People don’t change overnight. It doesn’t matter what the law says. You can have a civil rights act, you can make abortion legal, but you still have to deal with what people feel and think. And that’s what it’s all about. You slowly have to persuade people and hope they are reasonable enough to see things in a logical, objective way." Billie Jean King -- Particular Passions: Talks with Women Who Shaped Our Times. For a limited time -- enjoy the oral biography of Billie Jean King from her days on the court.


Billie Jean King -- On the Bobby Riggs Match

Billie Jean KingLynn GilbertComment

"Take the Bobby Riggs match, for instance. To beat a fifty-nine-year-old guy was no thrill for me. The thrill was exposing a lot of new people to tennis. But the most important thing about the match was that women liked themselves better that day. In Philadelphia a few weeks later, I walked into the offices of the Bulletin to meet the editor, and all the secretaries stood up and clapped. They just went berserk. The editor said, “You have no idea what you did. The day after you played Bobby Riggs,all of these women asked for a raise.” Billie Jean King -- Particular Passions: Talks with Women Who Shaped Our Times.

The oral biography of Billie Jean King from her days on the court.


Billie Jean King -- On Winning

Lynn GilbertComment

"Working to change things gives me the most long-term happiness. Performing is very temporary. To me, winning is doing what I want, what makes me happy, doing the best I can at this given moment in my life. That’s all I can ask of myself. If each person does the best with what he has, that’s winning. He’s fulfilling his own potential." Billie Jean King -- Particular Passions: Talks With Women Who Shaped Our Times, By Lynn Gilbert. The oral biography of Billie Jean King from her days on the court.


Billie Jean King -- Herstory

Lynn GilbertComment

"I do something because I want to do it, not because I feel a sense of responsibility. Sacrifice is doing something you don’t want to do. Yes, I get tired, cross, lose my temper, get ticked off, and sometimes I don’t feel appreciated, but as I told the women players when we started with Gladys and Joe, “If you think that we’re going to be appreciated ten years from now, I got news for you. You should get joy and gratification out of it now. You know that you’ve done it. If that isn’t enough for you, don’t bother.” Billie Jean King -- Particular Passions: Talks With Women Who Shaped Our Times, By Lynn Gilbert. The oral biography of Billie Jean King from her days on the court.